New Settlement Scheme

New Settlement Scheme

I have fond memories of growing up in Nyandarua back when it was a District of Central Province. Nyandarua is mainly inhabited by “new comers” who relocated from…

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Moving to Nyandarua

Moving to Nyandarua

The people who came to Nyandarua after Independence to purchase land were fairly young and energetic, probably in their late 20s with the oldest ones being in their…

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Owning Nyandarua

Owning Nyandarua

The colonial masters had dealt the entire country a blow with their “Divide and Conquer” strategy. Every tribe was made to fear, and be suspicious of the next…

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OlKalou My Home Turf

OlKalou My Home Turf

My home is OlKalou, now the Headquaters of Nyandarua County. I am a second generation Nyandaruan, my parents having purchased their piece of land in the mid 1960s.…

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OlKalou Name

OlKalou Name

My siblings and I were not always proud to tell people we were from OlKalou, but dont worry, we have since repented. With our Kikuyunized accent, we all…

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