Growing Animal Feed

Growing Animal Feed

There is always need for animal feed in OlKalou especially during the dry season. A young person can grow Hay and get it baled for use during those months when fresh grass and weeds are in short supply. Hay is any type of grassy plants like oats, wheat, barley and legumes. One can also grow napier grass (thaara) or maize stalks (mabebe) in large quantities and educate themselves on how to preserve them for long periods of time.

With these in stock, you will become the go to person for animal feed especially during the dry season. Check the internet and consult local agricultural experts on what else can be grown in OlKalou to feed livestock. Your farm may not be big enough for this kind of venture. What do you do? There are many absentee farm owners who have not developed their land and are not using it for anything at the moment.

A young man can approach such land owners to be allowed the use of their land until they need it. Majority of people are willing to support an enterprising ambitious young person who wants to make a difference in their lives and in the community. The good thing about approaching such land owners is that, they are from your community, and even if they don’t reside there or know you personally, your respective families know each other.

Ask your parents to make the request on your behalf if you are not comfortable doing it yourself. With your parents asking, that may give the landowner more confidence in saying yes to the request.

Do whatever is necessary to make your plans work, because they must. There is no room for giving up or turning back. There is nothing to turn back to, you and I already know that. So, keep moving forward.

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