
Inspiring Watch

I am sending you back in time. Back to 1985 before the Dot Com generation reported to Kindergarten and majority were not born yet. During that year and…

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Pioneer Children

Pioneer Children

From dawn to dusk our childhood was marked with heavy toil. In the freezing Nyandarua cold, in pounding rain and in blistering heat, there was never rest for…

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Pioneer Mother

Pioneer Mother

When my beloved asked we move to some highlands up North, I did not waste any time wondering where that was or what awaited us there, because I…

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Pioneer Father

Pioneer Father

I emerged from the dense forests of Mount Kenya, my hideout while fighting the British colonists. It was the sunset of the year 1963 when the Union Jack…

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After reading Nyandarua.com, we now know what we need to do for ourselves, our families, our communities and our country. To help us achieve some of those goals,…

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