Bring In Sponsors

Bring In Sponsors

I am counting on the second and third generation Nyandaruans because we have an education that our parents never had, and we have exposure to bigger opportunities our parents could only have imagined. We have Architects building magnificent buildings all over the big cities. They work alongside big name Contractors and Engineers of all sorts.

We have Nyandaruans who are CEOs, COOs and CFOs of various organizations and NGOs, others are consultants for big Multi Nationals, International banks and other reputable Financial Institutions. Others are successful business people running their own companies, rubbing shoulders with these big organizations. There are Nyandaruans living abroad working with International Christian Ministries and Churches who are looking for genuine life altering projects for their Outreach Ministry to rural villages in Africa. This dam project and others like it more than meets that qualification if somebody they know and trust can bring it to their attention.

The above are the connections I am thinking about. We have access to people with lots of money to spare: Corporations, NGOs and Churches who have money set aside for community projects. This is a one time project that a willing Corporation, NGO or Church can invest in, raising their profile in the process. All it takes, is only one Nyandaruan, using their connections to shine a light on this community where they grew up. A community that could seriously use the help, getting introduced to an organization that has the financial capability to sponsor such a big project. To people in OlKalou this is a project they cannot even think of undertaking because of its enormous cost, but to an Organization, NGO or Church, it is a drop in the ocean, financially speaking.

In the Bible we read about specific projects with a name attached to them. Like The Well of Jacob in the Old Testament. It was the same Well in the New Testament where Jesus asked for water from the Samaritan woman. Read your Bible you will find more examples. I don’t mean to preach to you, but my point is, one man can change the course of history, and generations to come can benefit from that one mans’ act of selflessness. There is one Greek Proverb that I love. It says: ‘Society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.’ Be that person who makes your community great. Arise and Shine.

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