Celebrate Who You Are TODAY

My conclusion on this subject is this: embrace whatever you have and be proud of who you are today. I am not advocating for complacency by any chance. You need to keep advancing yourself and keep your hope alive for a better future, but celebrate who and what you are today. There will always be people around you who seems like they are doing better than you. They seem not to have a single problem in their lives.

If my two examples above are anything to go by, nothing is further from the truth. Everybody has something they are struggling with, right NOW. There is always somebody who wishes they could trade places with you, right now, in whatever circumstances you are in, today. They wish they had a job like yours, they wish they had a family like yours, they wish they had your health, a bald wealthy tycoon may be wishing he had your full head of hair, the list is endless.

And like the town people of OlKalou, they wished they had farms like ours, eating the bountiful harvests and enjoying the creamy milk, yet we did not know it. We wanted what they had, which was actually nothing, compared to what we already had.

STOP selling yourself short.

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