2nd Generation: Collective Value

Nyandarua is now in the hands of the second generation. Us. Yes, Us. As scary as that prospect may sound, we are now in charge and our children are looking up to us to show them the ropes just like our Pioneer Parents did for us. Our parents brought Nyandarua this far, and it is up to us now to chart the course forward for our children and our beloved County.

From what our Pioneer Parents accomplished, we need to stir up our indomitable spirit and do greater things for the Nyandarua they have now handed down to us. We all need to work together, pooling our ideas, energy and resources together to achieve common goals for Nyandarua, just like our parents did. They set the perfect example for us, on how one can build so much with so little.

With that in mind, we know one does not need a college degree to do great things. One does not need great wealth to change lives. All we need is the right mindset to want to improve ourselves, our families, our communities and our beloved County. Like the functions of a human body, there is no part, however small, that does not have a function. If the pinkie finger is injured, the pain is felt throughout the body, reminding us that every part, however small, is interconnected and equally important. Same goes for us in Nyandarua.

There are those who are highly learned holding big jobs in various sectors of our economy. There are those who are in Social Services, touching the human condition at all levels. There are those in Spiritual service, bringing healing and Gods love to all men. There are the farmers whom our Pioneer Parents handed the torch, to keep the fire of farming burning feeding thousands locally and all over the country. There are the big and small business people providing goods and services to all of us. There are the housewives raising the next generation of Nyandaruans who will take over from us and keep the County moving forward.

I can go on and on, but my point is, everybody has a role to play and it is an important role. Your space and function cannot be filled by anybody else. You are who you are for a reason. God purposed your life to fulfill a specific role He prepared for you and you alone, and you are not going anywhere, any day soon until that purpose is fulfilled. You better believe it.

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