Cone Hats

Cone Hats

I am often fascinated by ingenuity, which is often born of people responding to their need. The Asian people, Chinese, Vietnamese and Japanese work long hours in their rice fields often in sweltering heat. A rice growing area means there is plenty of rain and an equal amount of sunshine throughout the year. OlKalou has plenty of both rain and sunshine with the majority of its population working their fields almost the whole day. The Asian farmers have huge cone shaped hats to shelter themselves from the sun and rain, helping them keep working their fields no matter the weather. The hats are commonly known as “Chinese rice farmer hats”

I strongly believe OlKalou farmers could use such hats. They are like umbrellas secured on your head with a strap under your chin leaving your hands free to do your work. People walking long distances could use these hats to shelter from the sun, or rain. These hats could also be used by students who walk long distances to school in adverse weather.

The Chinese use straw from their harvested rice crop to make their hats. A creative person in OlKalou can use whatever materials he can source locally to make the hats, or should I call them “Mini Umbrellas”. I will be your first customer buying one or two from you if you make them and I will make sure my entire family gets one each, if I have to buy them myself. That is how practical I believe the hats are for our communities.

Where are you young person who can fill this need? I am waiting to meet you and so is the rest of Nyandarua. Arise and Shine.

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