Kamihehu: A Drink At Own Risk

This was a mythical place that we only heard about. It was where illicit brews were sold, and we obviously never ventured there, so everything we knew about Kamihehu was hearsay. The slum like part of OlKalou is where those local brews were sold in residential houses.

There were police raids every now and then to weed out the brewers and the sellers. However, the business still thrived, because there were willing customers.

The story goes: Whenever sober customers showed up, they knew to talk in whispers (mihehu) in case there were police officers outside or hiding in the neighbors house to catch the sellers red handed. The whispers continued for as long as the customers were sober and still aware of their surroundings and the risks they were taking.

But story goes that after a drank customer lost his marbles after a few drinks, he forgot he was supposed to whisper and instead shouted and carried on loudly attracting the attention of neighbors and sometimes the police.

True or Not, who knows.

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