Elderly Companionship

Elderly Companionship

Most of the Pioneer Parents who are still living are quite advanced in age, God bless them. Most of their children and grandchildren are working in cities and towns far from OlKalou. With the advanced age, the parents are not able to take care of themselves adequately and their children may not visit as frequently as they would like. This is a job opportunity.

A young person who has been sitting home for years waiting for a job opportunity can approach the family of such an elderly person. Since you are in the neighborhood, you can report to their home every day and cook their meals, clean their house, wash their clothes, go shopping or run errands like paying their bills. Those are the same chores you would be doing at your house, only difference is, here you are getting paid. So, why not?

When the work is done, you can spend the rest of the day keeping them company, taking them for walks around their farm, or taking them to visit their elderly friends in the neighborhood to ease their loneliness. Your company will encourage them to eat their meals better while the walking around will keep them healthy, giving their bodies good exercise that helps them sleep better at night.

This type of companionship can be a full time job for a young person, and it will help the family stop worrying about their parents who would otherwise be sitting alone in an empty house. Any family will pay you well for that valuable service. As time goes on, other young people will get to hear of your gainful employment right there in your neighborhood and they will seek out other families to care for their elderly. This is a win win situation, for you, for the elderly and for their family. Create the opportunity.

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