That was a turning point in the way animals were treated for pests like ticks. The farmers decided to spray their herds at home. My father built a narrow fenced-in walk through enclosure that admitted three cows in single file. We called it Kirachie.
The cows walked into that wooden ‘tunnel’ that had an inlet gate and an outlet gate. The outlet gate was always closed. Once the cows walked in through the inlet gate, it was closed behind them.
The tunnel was narrow, there was no retreating. My brothers climbed the side of that structure, sprayer strapped on their backs and they sprayed every inch of the animals from top to bottom.
Once done, the outlet gate was opened and the animals were free to go, and another bunch was driven into the Kirachie. This was a weekly event just like the cattle dip, only difference being, we did it on our own schedule and our cows never had to leave the farm again.