Bring Experts and Mentors

You can bring in your friends and colleagues who are experts in various fields, who can educate and encourage our young people in OlKalou on opportunities that are around them and others they can create for themselves. Organize workshops where these experts can give talks and encouragement to our youth.

You want experts with both knowledge and compassion. People who will address our children with dignity and respect offering them hope and a hand up, not a handout like politicians do during campaigns, then disappear.

You do not want to bring knowledgeable but egotistical jerks who are so wealthy and ‘important’ they have lost touch with all reality.  Our youth have been sidelined by an economy they did not choose.  They are the casualties of failed leadership.  The “thieves” who seek public office, do it with only one intention.  They want to gain access to public funds so they can line their bottomless pockets with looted  funds they were supposed to be managing and multiplying for their electorate, especially the youth.  Our children are therefore weary of flashy people who come to their villages and small towns because they, have come to expect nothing from encounters with such people, who actually leave them feeling worse by reminding them how low their lives are. That is why the experts you bring should not be anything like those politicians our children have learnt to despise, with good reason.  You want experts who will equip our youth with useful information that addresses their circumstances in a realistic manner.  Things like: how to start a small business with very little capital, how to conduct a feasibility study, how to prepare a business plan, how to manage their finances, how to market their products and services and how they can create new opportunities.

Once our youth realizes we care and we are willing to show up and show them the honest reality of our economy as it relates to their future, they will respond better to the suggestions we offer them, without feeling like we are minimizing their prospects.

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