
Every time we visited a home with well maintained lawn, nicely trimmed hedges and beautiful flower beds, we said the family must be wealthy. Our compounds were unkempt with grass growing right to the doorstep and against the walls of the house. A young man who is interested in nature and outdoor designs can introduce good landscaping into majority of homes.

With all the rain that falls in OlKalou for most of the year, grass and vegetation thrives effortlessly. This means for a young man who introduces this service to homes, he will have business almost throughout the year. Start by reading up on the internet how to maintain a beautiful lawn and what flowers and plants do well in your area. Check where you can hire a lawn mower cheaply and other tools like garden shears, hedge trimmers and weed whackers. You can purchase your own tools when you start making good money, enough to invest in tools. Check with local nurseries on discounts if you purchase seedlings in bulk.

Work on your compound first and take pictures for marketing your services. You need to prove your skills beyond any reasonable doubt before you start selling to paying customers. Once you are confident, you can introduce your services to homes in your neighborhood. Start with the educated people first who will appreciate lawn beauty and will be willing to pay for it. Those will form your client profile. There is nothing as powerful in marketing like telling your prospective customer of work you already did for people they know. Remember my neighbor who sold a donkey to my adamant parents by telling them that everybody in the Settlement Scheme had one, most were now buying their second or third. Such marketing strategy brings out the competitive human spirit and the desire not to be left behind by their peers. That will always work in your favor because it means more business. Put your customers on a schedule, letting them know when you shall return to mow their lawn and trim their hedges for necessary upkeep and maintenance.

Approach builders with upcoming houses and business buildings. Create for them a beautiful lawn, hedge and plant some shade trees. This will set a standard for other upcoming buildings and they will want you to do it for them too.

Go to existing buildings and church compounds and show them what you can do for them to improve their current look. You will never be out of work, you will actually be an employer, hiring other young people to assist you.

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