Maigoya – Natural Velvety Wipes

Its scientific name is Plectranthus Barbatus. Who knew. Anyhow, majority of homes in OlKalou have pit latrines, some more than one. Most homes do not have the money to stock up on toilet paper. Maigoya has always been a plant that is very friendly to use for wiping. Its wide luxurious velvety leaves are very effective for that very important task. They are also very nice for blowing the nose, they are just like tissue paper, probably better if you ask me.

Not every home has maigoya plants. In fact very few homes have them. We did not have a single one in my home growing up, and we still don’t, but our neighbor had them along his fence leading up to his compound. Every time my mother visited them, she brought a handful for our use, but that only lasted a few days before they wilted and dried up. I see a business opportunity there, because going to the toilet is not optional. It is a must, and wiping is a must.

A young person can fetch maigoya plants wherever they can be found and plant them around every latrine in every homestead. One can consult with nursery operators and agricultural experts to learn if there are seeds available for maigoya, or how to propagate the cuttings from existing plants. Maigoya are fast growing, evergreen even in the driest of months and animals don’t eat them, don’t ask me why.

This means you achieve a double purpose. Families get their natural toilet paper throughout the year and latrines get a facelift by having an evergreen hedge of maigoya around them.

You already have a strong selling point, so get to work and make OlKalou maigoya nation.

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