Music Tutoring and Performances

We have young people who are naturally gifted in playing musical instruments like Guitar, Harmonica, Trumpet, Accordion and others. A lot of young people and even some adults have always desired to learn how to play an instrument but they never knew of anybody who can teach them.

Advertise your services. Teach one person at a time and it wont cost you anything, other than you getting paid for your talent. You can do this from the comfort of your home, under a tree shade or in some open space in town.

You can also talk to local schools and colleges to allow interested students to sign up and you can teach them after classes or on weekends. You can also join with your friends who also plays instruments and perform entertainment shows at local schools, colleges and churches. All you need is to make a name for yourselves and people will be looking for you to entertain at their functions like weddings, fundraisers and other organized events.

The Bible says in Proverbs 18:16 “A man’s gift opens doors for him, and brings him before great men”. God said it, I didn’t. So get out there and showcase your talent and make some cash while doing it.

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