Breakfast at My Sisters’ House

Compare that OlKalou breakfast with what was served at my sisters’ house. I tasted Weetabix for the first time at her house. I was served two cakes of Weetabix soaked nicely in warm milk and a sprinkle of sugar.  I thought that was all we were having for breakfast, but I realized there was also bread being served with tea. I was not the kind to pass on food, especially bread which was a rare delicacy in our home back in OlKalou. I pulled my chair closer to the table, my eyes wider than saucers staring at the bread.

The only bread I knew was Elliots, but here now was a soft, sweet, oval shaped bread with raisins in it from a local bakery called “Oven Door Bakery”. I never heard of it but their bread was heavenly. There was also a choice of spreads to apply on the bread:  Creamy KCC butter, Red Plum Jam from Kenya Orchards and Marmalade of orange flavor. The bread was already sweet and very soft it did not require any spread, but I used each one of them anyway because who knew the next time I was going to taste such deliciousness.

On weekends when my sister and her husband were home with plenty of time for breakfast, we had Uplands Sausages and Eggs fried sunny side up. I had no idea eggs could be fried in this manner with the yolks still intact, staring up at you. But they were absolutely delicious.

The sausage was like nothing I had ever tasted before. My taste buds were in total shock from the deliciousness of the sausage although this was my second time eating it, the first time having been at a restaurant some two days earlier. But that restaurant visit was a bit of a disaster, which I will tell you about later.

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