Create Opportunities in OlKalou

Create Opportunities in OlKalou

One thing I am positive about is that, opportunities can be created anywhere, including in rural villages and small towns, if only we try with a positive attitude and determination. A business is nothing but the offering of a product or service that is needed by our communities.

Wherever human beings live, they will always require products and services. If we look for areas that are lacking certain products and services, or are currently under-served, we are already in business. One should not start a business with their focus set on becoming ‘rich’. Nothing wrong with being ‘rich’ but that should not be the primary focus. As long as a business sustains itself and provides for its owners needs, it is already a success.

The same goes for employment. The people you see working in offices and factories wait for a whole month to get a salary. The largest amount of their salary goes to paying house rent. Whatever remains goes into paying bills, food and bus fare. They are left with almost nothing and they have to wait another 30 days before they get paid again. That is why if you are in rural area, living at home and operating your business from home, and your business is sustaining itself and supporting your daily needs, then you are doing much better than a salaried worker in Nairobi or other big towns.

Albert Einstein once said, “Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value” Whatever we find to do, we should focus on providing exemplary services and quality products to our customers. Everything we do should have a positive impact on our customers, enriching their lives one visit at a time. If our customers are completely satisfied with our goods and services, then we know we are men and women of value, and that is what brings lasting success.

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