Clarion Call for Water

Clarion Call for Water

I still have hope that God will send Nyandarua a hero or heroes who will address the water problem once and for all. Politicians usually have an agenda…

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Training the Children

Training the Children

Children were a free labor, gifted to parents by God. Our relationship with our parents was simple. We worked the land, did as we were told, and in…

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Farm Hands

Farm Hands

Owing to the size of majority of farms, most families had hired farm hands. The Settlement Scheme was fairly new, so there were not many people from the…

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OlKalou Town

OlKalou Town

As I mentioned earlier about my embarrassment of the OlKalou name, anyone who knew the town back then in the 1970s would agree with me. Sort of. There…

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Returning Home: Dry Season

Returning Home: Dry Season

OlKalou passengers were hurriedly dropped off on the Nairobi Nyahururu highway at Agip Petrol station, the impatient bus driver almost leaving with your precious luggage.  The luggage was…

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OlKalou Landmarks

OlKalou Landmarks

OlKalou town had very few established permanent buildings. The prominent places you noticed were the two Primary schools, St. Joseph and AC Primary. There was no high school…

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Veterans of OlKalou

There were some veterans of OlKalou town that everybody seemed to know or recognized. Most were the business people who provided goods and services to the people of…

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Mukurino – Businessman

Mukurino – Businessman

I have mentioned Mukurino many times in the previous posts because he was a well known service provider to the farming communities of OlKalou and beyond. His name…

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