Thanks for Sharing Your Wealth
I have no history of where Mukurino came from or when, but what I know is that, he was a very valuable member of OlKalou, providing what was…
I have no history of where Mukurino came from or when, but what I know is that, he was a very valuable member of OlKalou, providing what was…
There was only one bakery in Olkalou owned by a man named Kiihuri. He was medium built and very light skinned. Kiihuri was always dressed in well tailored,…
There were some other small bakeries based in Nairobi but their distribution was local. They mainly made sandwich bread, which was very long, twice the size of a…
My children find it strange when I offer them bread for breakfast. They always seem to have other options to chose from, bread is always at the bottom…
OlKalou had only two butcheries. One was exclusively for beef, while the other one sold goat meat only. The one that sold beef was owned by a Mr.…
The other butchery was owned by a Mr. Wambiga, a tall slim man whose family originated from Limuru. He specialized in goat meat. Goat meat was a delicacy…
There was one famous doctor in OlKalou. His name was Dr. Nguku and his fame went beyond OlKalou. He was the doctor who ushered OlKalou boys into manhood…
Kamau was a gregarious youthful man who owned a grocery shop that was well stocked. While standing behind the counter serving his customers, it was not unusual for…
There was one female police officer in OlKalou, actually the first one we ever met. Our society back then was male dominated and there were some professions where…
He was the Pioneer headmaster of Munyeki Primary School deep in the Settlement Scheme. When I was in standard one, I remember him taking us on a field…