Smart Phone Repair

Everywhere you look these days, people have Smart phones, Androids and Tablets in their hands. As convenient, classy and beautiful these gadgets are, they are so fragile, it only takes one fall and the screen cracks or shatters completely. They are also temperamental unlike the ever reliable Ericsson T20 I owned over two decades ago. That’s nostalgia for another day.

Anyhow, the so called smart phones will work perfectly one day and the next day the power doesn’t turn on despite the battery being new and fully charged. On another day, a very important phone call you have been expecting all week finally comes through but the green button you usually swipe to answer calls flashes at you blankly without barging no matter how many times you swipe. Your caller hangs up and you hang your head in frustration.

You urgently need somebody who can tell you whats wrong with your smart phone. There is one or two people who may know what to do, but nobody really trained in this relatively new technology that is in everybody’s hand.

This is a huge opportunity waiting to be tapped by an enterprising young person. Go to college specifically for smart phone repairs and troubleshooting. That should not take long because it is targeted training. By the time you graduate, there is a ready market that has been waiting for your services for a while now.

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