Pioneer Parents’ GrandChildren

Pioneer Parents’ GrandChildren

Then there is You.  You have the blood of warriors running in your veins. Your grandparents saw the dismal chances of survival in Gikuyu and they decided to curve out a different path for their future and that of their children. They left Gikuyu with nothing but hope and a Faith in God. Their bravery, insight and faith in a future they couldn’t see, opened new frontiers which we are enjoying today. They did not make such sacrifices only to have their grandchildren wallow in misery and self pity because there are no jobs from their government.

You can create your own, just like they did, enriching your communities and towns to a point where people from far and wide will hear of the booming economy of our County and they will desire to come. Our Pioneer Parents hired farm workers who came from all over Kenya. Word must have spread far and wide that there were new Settlement Schemes owned by Kenyans and they were hiring farm workers. They came in droves and they got the jobs, helping our parents develop their new farms to what we see today. A few short years before that, our Pioneer Parents were miserable and lacking opportunities like everybody else back in Gikuyu, but they did not settle there wallowing in their dire circumstances. They took the initiative to look for opportunities wherever they could find them. That is how they ended up in Nyandarua, acquiring new titles of Landowners and Employers to those people who traveled from far to come seek employment. What if your grandparents stayed back in Gikuyu and hoped something would come their way?  They didn’t and neither should you.

You are from the indomitable Pioneer Parent stock and that is why you cannot sit back and wallow. We are descended from opportunity creators and opportunities are what we are going to create for our current situation so that we can give our children and grandchildren a fighting chance.  Let us determine ourselves to become producers, not just consumers.  Let us be active participants in shaping our own destiny and that of our communities, and stop being mere spectators as life passes us by.   Lets get to work and write our own success story that we can proudly tell future generations, or better still, other people will be inspired to tell, because it will be worth telling. You are the main character in your life story, everybody else, including government, only offers a supporting role. Show us what you got !!

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