Roof Painting

Roof Painting

Compare the before and after

Galvanized iron sheet roofs start out very shiny but after the effects of weather, they rust. Majority of homes in OlKalou have iron sheet roofs that were built decades ago. The roofs have since rusted and look patchy and unsightly.

A young man can start a business of painting iron sheet roofs in the neighborhood, making the houses look spectacular like the one I had remodeled above to show you what is possible.  You can extend your services to painting doors and windows.  You can also put fascia boards on houses that did not have one originally, and paint it a color that compliments the roof.  Fascia boards are  a small but notable feature that gives character to any building.

Check where you can source quality paint in vibrant colors like red, green, blue and others at discounted prices. Paint your house first and use it as the model house for showing and advertising. Show your newly painted roof to the women and they will get their husbands to pay for the job. This will rejuvenate homes in your neighborhood without expensive renovations necessary as you get some money in your pocket.

Think of the number of houses in one compound alone, and multiply that with the homesteads in your immediate location. You may need to hire a team of other young people to meet the demand. Try it and you will see.

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