Neighborhood Security

Neighborhood Security

OlKalou has made headlines nationwide on insecurity and other disturbing issues. A friend who knew I went to school at Munyeki called me from abroad where she read on the internet disturbing news about my community. I was both embarrassed and concerned. I grew up in the safest place where nobody ever closed their doors until they were ready for bed. We closed our goat pens and chicken coops not for fear somebody was coming to steal them, but rather to keep our animals safely inside. Today it is different. Thieves are entering homesteads and taking whatever they please, either quietly or with guns blazing.

Necessity is the mother of invention. Kali Security, Group 4, Wells Fargo and others are nationally recognized security companies. Somebody did not wake up one day and decided to open a security company out of the blues. They responded to a growing need and in the process they built conglomerates that provide a vital service to our cities and big towns.

If the insecurity incidents happening in OlKalou are painful to us, the second generation, how do you think our Pioneer Parents feel. They are watching helplessly as the community they sacrificed so much for is now being taken over by thugs and hooligans who have paralyzed the community with fear. The Pioneer Parents who have taken their eternal rest must be turning in their graves, wondering if their sacrifice was in vain. Do we sit back and let things continue the way they are today, a situation that can only get worse? Are we hoping our Police will come to our rescue? I don’t think so.

This is an opportunity for somebody to make some money while restoring security back to our beloved communities. Young men can get together and form vigilante groups for every rural neighborhood. With so many unemployed able bodied young men, they only need a leader who can organize them to form a security organization. With terrified residents who have been sleeping with one eye open for so many years, this is an easy sell. If every household paid a certain amount of money for their security, you will have enough money to purchase all the necessary tools and supplies you need for the job and have a reasonable amount to share amongst all the young men who will patrol the rural neighborhoods. Get in touch with the local authorities who can help you with ideas on how to go about it, and you may be surprised at support they may offer. People will support a working idea and the local police may offer back up and patrols when they see what you are doing to keep your neighborhoods safe. Stop hiding behind closed doors like your grandmothers and instead take a stand against these thugs who are terrorizing our communities.

I am not a psychologist but I have lived long enough to know thugs and hooligans are the greatest cowards on the face of the earth. They are lazy, good for nothing losers, who do not want to work hard for what they need, but they are ready to forcefully take it from others who worked hard for what they own. You know they are cowards because, why do they operate in the cover of darkness? Why do they always surprise families who are asleep and defenseless? If they were bold and brave as they try to make us believe, why don’t they show up during the day, make their introductions so we know who they are and then make their demands known. That way they will get to meet the real men of OlKalou face to face. But they will never do that. Why? They are too afraid, don’t want to be recognized and they don’t want to die. That is why the moment they hear there are some brave young men patrolling every rural neighborhood, they will stop their activities because they do not want to be confronted by somebody who is prepared to fight them off. Lets take our communities back and make some cash while doing it.

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