
Our Cooperative Offices

Our Cooperative Offices

The Cooperative Society was housed in such a compound. The British Settler who owned that compound was a Mr. Langwell. I am guessing that was his name because…

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OlKalou Town

OlKalou Town

As I mentioned earlier about my embarrassment of the OlKalou name, anyone who knew the town back then in the 1970s would agree with me. Sort of. There…

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Butchers:  Wambiga

Butchers: Wambiga

The other butchery was owned by a Mr. Wambiga, a tall slim man whose family originated from Limuru. He specialized in goat meat. Goat meat was a delicacy…

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Growth of Munyeki Primary

Growth of Munyeki Primary

As the Munyeki school grew, the demand grew as well. More families bought land and settled in places like Marubani, Kabuteni and Kaimbaga. Those were new settlements in…

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