
Food Shortage

Food Shortage

The dry season did not just affect the livestock.  Their owners were not spared either.  The Nyandarua that is known for its high yields of potatoes and green…

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Making Chapati

I learnt to make Chapatis before I was 10 years old. I had no choice because my older sister was away in college, my younger sister was a…

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Mother on Visiting Day

Mother on Visiting Day

Picture for a moment my mother from the Settlement Scheme of OlKalou visiting me in school some 180 kilometers away. Her journey will have started early in the…

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Lets Exchange Recipes

The Group also gave the women an opportunity to exchange recipes. The women tried outdoing each other when it was their turn to host. They wanted to cook…

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Women Feed The MauMau

Women Feed The MauMau

The other risky sacrifice the women made was feeding the MauMau fighters who were hiding in the forests. The women understood the dangers. They knew if they were…

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OlKalou Meals

Back home in OlKalou, our meals were a mass production for a minimum of ten people making the taste sometimes disappear in the quantity. Our meals were mainly…

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Every woman these days wants their hair looking good, whether treated with chemicals, braided or left natural. This is a daily need for women, meaning there will always…

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