
Bring Experts and Mentors

You can bring in your friends and colleagues who are experts in various fields, who can educate and encourage our young people in OlKalou on opportunities that are…

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Elderly Companionship

Elderly Companionship

Most of the Pioneer Parents who are still living are quite advanced in age, God bless them. Most of their children and grandchildren are working in cities and…

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Every time we visited a home with well maintained lawn, nicely trimmed hedges and beautiful flower beds, we said the family must be wealthy. Our compounds were unkempt…

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Donkey Drawn Carriage Rides

We have all watched in fascination as the Royal Family of Great Britain rode their elegant horse drawn carriages especially during weddings. Carriages were also the mode of…

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Neighborhood Security

Neighborhood Security

OlKalou has made headlines nationwide on insecurity and other disturbing issues. A friend who knew I went to school at Munyeki called me from abroad where she read…

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Growing Animal Feed

Growing Animal Feed

There is always need for animal feed in OlKalou especially during the dry season. A young person can grow Hay and get it baled for use during those…

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