Tailoring and Fashion Design

There is a high school graduate who is a future clothes designer. When parents see a daughter who is always drawn to fashion, making alterations to a brand new dress to fit her particular look, and replacing perfectly good buttons with some fancy looking ones to spruce up an outfit, that is an ideal candidate for a vocational course in dress making and design. Since we exited stone age where our ancestors dressed in animal skins, every human being today needs to be clothed. This means there will forever be a market for clothes no matter where you live. It is therefore a solid skill to have and one can start out at home, building their customer base, and when they are financially independent, they can venture outside and rent a stall in town.

It is unthinkable that school uniforms worn by students in rural schools are still supplied by the big manufacturers from the big cities. These are wealthy companies that dressed us when we went to school in the 1970s and they have extended their reach to every rural town all over the country. They are not doing anything wrong, they are just business smart. That is what you need to be too. You can grab part of their market share by making uniforms for the local schools.

Talk to the headmasters and school principals. Go to their schools and show them your designs and sample uniforms. Stock up the schools and let students purchase their uniforms from your inventory.

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