The Pioneer Parents’ Children

The Pioneer Parents’ Children

Then there is us. Your parents, Uncles and Aunties. We are the second generation that now owns and runs OlKalou and Nyandarua after inheriting the land from our parents, the Pioneer Parents, who are your grandparents. From reading the account of our childhood and youth, you realize our parents worked us like donkeys. There was no glamour in our upbringing, just plain, never ending hard work.

As young people, we did not understand why our parents worked us so hard. But now we do. “Success without a Successor is Failure”. In the Bible, the great men that God called and used mightily, He made sure they had an assistant who would carry on the work when they were gone. Elijah had Elisha. Moses had Joshua. And finally Jesus, The Son of God, The Savior of mankind came and He called and prepared His Disciples and commissioned them to preach the Gospel to all mankind.

Our parents worked us so hard to train us to be their successors. It was ‘on the job training’ but we did not know it back then, but today we are glad they did. That is why you should not see a parent, an Uncle, an Aunt or a neighbor looking successful and you think it was handed to them on a silver platter. Far from it. We started our education in incomplete school buildings with no facilities or adequate supplies. We did tough manual labor alongside our parents, and we worked so hard for everything we achieved individually and what we inherited from our parents.

We are still working hard to train you “our children” to be worthy successors who will take over from us someday. We are offering you guidance, pointing you to opportunities we deem plausible, but you have to work hard to shape your own destiny. You have to work hard to determine the future you want to inherit. Nobody can see into the future, but you can envision it in your heart and in your Spirit. Our parents did, we did too and so can you.

Habakkuk 2:2 The Lord says: “Write the vision. Make it clear on tablets so that anyone can read it quickly”. Is your vision clear on how you want your future to look like? If you can ‘see’ it, then you can make decisions geared towards turning that future into reality.

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