Tree Planting

Tree Planting

Every home we know uses firewood or charcoal for their cooking and heating needs. Some may own gas or electric cookers, but every home needs a fire going to warm up the house. Tree planting is not a venture for the impatient, because trees take years to mature. That is why I am calling all young people to make this their side job. While doing other jobs or businesses that brings in cash regularly, every young person can ask their parents for spaces on the farm that can be used for tree planting. These can be along fences and a few feet inwards, not taking much space for crop growing. If every young person purposed to plant 100 trees every year, that means they will have trees at different stages of growth. After the first few years, trees don’t require much attention other than occasional pruning. One can focus on their other work, and the trees will be growing. Every year of pruning provides firewood for the family.

When the first batch of trees reach maturity, this becomes a source of income. Contract a Power Saw operator and get a few trees felled and chopped into firewood. Leave them out to dry. Advertise the firewood and people from the neighborhood can come purchase in load sizes. Your home can become known for firewood selling and people can always call you to order or just pass by and collect. Delivering to your customers can be an incentive and you can use a donkey drawn cart, incurring no transportation costs.

You could also turn your trees into charcoal depending on what is more profitable. Do your homework and establish what people need the most. You could also check if turning your trees into timber is more profitable than firewood. When you have the product, you have all these options available to you, so, take the first step of planting the trees every year and you will cross that bridge when you get to it.

The one thing that is guaranteed is that, timber, firewood or charcoal will forever be marketable and their prices keep going up every year, so, plant those trees TODAY, you will not be sorry. Once you are established as the GO TO guy for firewood or charcoal or timber, you can use your profits to purchase trees from your neighbors, and stay well stocked throughout the year. Your neighbors will also call you any time they want to sell a tree to meet a financial need. Its a win win situation.

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