Unshakable Alliance

Nobody’s toe got bitten off and nobody got pushed off the bed. We had our childhood differences like all good siblings do. We threatened each other when situations called for it and teased each other mercilessly but we always had each others back, no matter what. We knew there was strength in numbers, and we needed to remain strong, really strong indeed to be able to stand against the very tough regime of “Mr. and Mrs. Mousollini”, aka MAMI na BABA aka Mother and Father.

For us kids, our alliance was like NATO. Our unspoken motto was exactly like NATOs – “an attack on one is an attack on all”. So, we encouraged each other to stay out of trouble, but when trouble came calling, we presented a united front, sometimes lying through our teeth to protect one of our own. Our parents knew this and they quit wasting their time interrogating us individually. Instead, whenever a punishable offense happened, they cut to the chase and punished all of us.

That was some alliance we had going and it worked perfectly for us. But there is always payback time for everything. Now, our DotCom children have similar alliances against us. I dont know how and when it happened, but apparently we are now the “bad guys”. How did that happen? Us, the educated, diplomatic, friendly kind of parents are now viewed in exactly the same way we saw our parents. Wonders never cease.

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