Visiting Days and Half Terms

Visiting Days and Half Terms

I drew comparisons for you earlier on how my urban classmates were visited by their sophisticated parents at high school and how my mother from OlKalou would compare. Fact is, I was never visited in high school for all my four years of “O” level and the two years of “A” level. Not once. Before you conclude I was not loved enough by my parents, consider this.

At one point, there were six of us in high school at the same time, in various grades. We were in different schools all over the country. Eldoret, Muranga, Gatundu, Thika, Nyeri and Kirinyaga. With most schools having one visiting day a month, which was usually the last Sunday of every month, it meant my parents had six visiting days to attend in one day, all over the country.

They made up their minds not to visit any of us, and that was that. We never asked and they never explained. There were also half terms or mid terms which were usually one week or so. None of us ever travelled home to OlKalou for mid term. Our parents did not tell us not to go, but they simply did not give us bus fare to travel, meaning, we couldnt go.

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