What Just Happened?

What Just Happened?

The animals enter the pen and it is finally their turn. They are still clueless about their visit to this far away “town”. The first animals are grabbed and taken into the room for shearing. The first sheep is out in a matter of minutes and it is returned to the pen. The other sheep take a step back wondering what animal that is. It has been a whole year since they were last sheared, and being sheep, they already forgot what that looks like.

Taking a closer look, they realise its one of their own. Then their judgemental look sets in, wondering “I know we are in a strange town but is that any reason for Beatrice to take her clothes off in public. Where is her mother?” Before the Chief Sheep (ndurume) completes his thought about Beatrice, another two or three sheared sheep are released back in their midst.

Now the Chief needs to declare a state of emergency and call for backup. As the panic is still swirling in his head, he too is grabbed and suffers the same fate. The ‘naked’ flock is soon on the open road heading back home. It is a quiet, humiliating long walk of shame, they have no idea what just happened.

As they sheepishly walk through the gate, the dogs bark at them wildly wondering what animals just walked into the compound. The sheep hurdle together for comfort, as they miss their previous masters, who by that time were walking the snowy English countryside back in Great Britain.

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