Privacy Policy

Each content element has been carefully crafted and offers multiple options that will enable you to build any layout you desire. takes data privacy very seriously and recognises the importance of protecting and respecting your personal data. This Privacy Policy describes the information we collect, how we use that information, your rights and key contact information.

1. Overview

To provide you with our services we collect information not to be intrusive but to better serve you, and we won’t ask you unnecessary questions.

Please read this notice carefully, together with our Terms and Conditions and any other documents referred to in it. Here we set out the basis on which any information we collect about you or from you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us and in providing you with the services accessed through the website. (“our”, “us” and “we”) commits to using your information only in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy.

For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, the term “information” means any confidential and/or personal data or other information related to users of– including, but not limited to, corporate and individual customers and their connected parties.

By visiting this website or providing your personal information to one of our team, for example by telephone or email, you accept and expressly consent to our use and disclosure of your personal information and direct us to do so in the manner described in this Privacy Policy.

This includes information you provide when you browse our website, register for an account, enter a competition, promotion or survey, purchase from us, and when you contact us for other reasons.

If you have concerns about any of the terms of this Privacy Policy, please email us so that we can provide further information.

2. What Information We Collect

We may collect and process the following information about you:

Information You Provide to Us

You may provide us with information by filling in forms on our website, our partners’ websites or by talking with us by over the phone or corresponding with us via email or otherwise.

This includes information you provide when you browse our website, register for an account, purchase from us, and when you contact us for other reasons.

When We Communicate

When you communicate with us for customer service or other purposes, including by phone, email or using other methods, we retain that information and our responses to you.

Information We Collect When You Use Our Website

When you arrive or leave the website, whether connected by a fixed line or wirelessly, we receive the web address of the site that you came from or are going to.

While you are using our site we collect information on the services you search for or view, page response times and length of visits to specific pages, how you interacted with each page (including scrolling, clicks and mouse-overs), and methods used to browse away from the page.

We collect information about the device you are using, such as the type of device, operating system and platform, the type and version of browser, browser plug-in types and versions, the times you access our website/app and the time zone setting, mobile network information and unique device identifier.